In analyzing a company's stock price, executives may be seeing only part of the picture. We have devised an approach that allows executives to gain a clear outlook on both the current and future components of their company's share price.
5/18/2019 Know what retailers REALLY wantEvery brand wants to get their product on store shelves BUT the strategies most brands use today take the retailer relationship for granted. They overlook the true potential you have to exponentially grow your brand.
This difference between cheap and free is what venture capitalist Josh Kopelman calls the "penny gap." People think demand is elastic and that volume falls in a straight line as price rises, but the truth is that zero is one market and any other price is another. In many cases, that's the difference between a great market and none at all.
Americans love loyalty cards. Three-quarters of households are enrolled in at least one frequent customer account, such as airline miles, hotel points and grocery cards.
5/10/2019 Is Private Label Good For Natural?It depends on your strategy. Is it more important to have a high penny profit on select items or is it more important to have a long-term business building strategy that brings loyal customers into your store, and keeps them coming back? All products are not created equal